Monday, March 11, 2013

Massive cooking for last Shabbat

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to take pictures of anything because of Shabbat.  Here was our Friday night dinner:

Brisket - always delicious (cooked with onion soup mix).  Cooked for 5 hours, but even after cooking a while, I still had problems cutting it.  It came out more shredded like for BBQ brisket (which sounds good for leftovers!)

Winter Chicken Stew (not sure of exact name) - recipe came from one of the Betty Crocker cookbooks.  It has chicken breasts, prunes, dried apricots, carrots, onions, garlic, and apple juice.  The chicken was kind of dry, even though it was in all that liquid.  This was because (following the recipe), I browned the chicken on the outside in a frying pan w/ olive oil.  Also, the dried prunes and apricots reconstituted themselves into their original sizes in all that liquid, so it was like eating massive pieces of fruit with somewhat dry chicken.  Sigh...

Chicken Wings - made a massive bag of wings, using a recipe I found somewhere on line.  Basically, it's flour and lots of spices in a gallon baggie, and you do a shake 'n bake thing.  These came out really good!  Aaron and I ate all the leftover wings (probably 20!) Saturday night.

Matzah Ball Soup - added kosher Lipton Noodle Soup and fresh carrots - soup came out great.  For some reason, one of the guests took all of the broth, so I am left with 6 or 7 matzah balls in a container w/o broth.  I'll have to make more soup to go with the matzah balls. No biggie - just want guests to be happy :)

Potato Kugel - also found the recipe online.  I had to grate the potatoes by hand, but after the second potato, I was a pro!  This came out really good, but I think I forgot to use Pam spray.  This one got gobbled up well - just a small container of leftovers.

Fresh green beans - of course, the most simple item to cook, and I sliced deep into my thumb while cutting the ends off the green beans.  Still healing 4 days later.  Finally able to take off the band-aid.  Needed it on to keep my finger together.  

Other foods - challah from Blumkin Home (yum!), pareve brownies from Bagel Bin (much better than they look), and a large variety of candies and snacks.

Everyone had a great time, and everyone ate quite a bit (though we have a ton of leftovers - need to freeze some tonight). 


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