Monday, February 4, 2013

Basic Waffles

OK, I know I said I would make something healthy today, and I did, but it is still simmering, so here are the waffles I also made today (because my super picky younger kids won't eat my (yes, MY recipe) lentil soup).

To tell the truth, I've made these waffles several times before, so I knew what the result would be and that my kids would like them.  The recipe specifies unsalted butter, and that's what I use.  I also says 1/2 cup to 2 sticks of butter, and I have always used 1 stick of butter in the batter itself (although I drizzle a bit of regular, salted butter on top after they are cooked).  The recipe says that it will make 12 6-inch waffles, but my waffle iron isn't 6" x 6" (which is what I think they mean), and I only get 8 waffles out of it.  Many times that I have made this recipe, I have doubled the recipe and the froze the waffles in baggies of 2.  They heat really well in the oven at about 200 to 250 degrees F. for about 5 minutes.  Totally don't recommend microwaving.  I've never done it, but I imagine "yuck."

The kids, as usual, love these waffles.  Aaron and Joshua wanted blueberry syrup, but Isaac goes for the regular "alleged" maple syrup :)

  • Prep time: 20 minutes
  • Cook time: 8 minutes (about) per batch, depending on your waffle iron
  • The All New All Purpose Joy of Cooking 1997, 1996, pg. 801

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